Terms of Use
Welcome to the eshop.techfass.com website (hereinafter “website”) that is run by the TECH FASS S.R.O. company residing at Věštínská 1611/19, 153 00 Praha 5 - Radotín, Company ID No.: 25073397.
This page will introduce you to the operating conditions of this website, its use, rights and obligations of the owner and visitors.
Terms of use
a) Services offered by this website are publicly accessible. The use of this website is conditioned by an agreement to these terms. The visitor to the website expresses their consent to these terms by using it.
b) It is forbidden to use this website in any way other than for personal use without the consent of the owner. Other uses are subject to previous approval from the owner.
c) The visitor undertakes to comply with applicable laws and regulations in the use of this site, will always act in accordance with these regulations, good manners and these terms.
d) The visitor acknowledges and agrees that a partial or complete malfunction of the website may occur. In addition, the content or services provided may be altered or cancelled. The above facts do not give the visitor to the website the right to claim damages.
e) This website may contain links to internet servers and third party websites. In these cases, the owner is not responsible for their content or functionality.
Cookies are small data files that are necessary for the correct function of the website and that we therefore sometimes store in your computer, just like most large internet websites.
What are cookies?
Text files that internet websites store on your computer or mobile device at the moment you start using this website. This allows the website to remember actions you have performed for a certain time, as well as your preferences (e.g. login details, language, font size and other display preferences), so you don’t have to enter this data again and jump from one page to another.
How to adjust the use of cookies
The use of cookies can be adjusted to your needs (e.g. you can delete them). You can delete all cookies that are already stored on your computer and most browsers also offer the option to prevent cookies from being stored on your computer. However, if you do use this option, you will probably have to manually adjust some of the preferences during each visit of this website and it is also possible that certain services and functions of the websites may be limited.
Website provider
Web & Media a.s
Václavské nám 832/19
110 00 Praha 1 - Nové Město
Please send your suggestions, observations or information about problems with viewing this website to the address of the website provider info@web-media.cz, or through an online form at www.web-media.cz/pripominky-uzivatelu/